Monday, June 23, 2008

Where is the handbook?

With legislation being pass preventing child disciple, we the government to come out with a handbook outlining what is permitted when it comes to disciplining our children. Thus far they seem to be very good at naming the don'ts, but what about the do's.

The saying as always been that there are no handbooks when it comes to raising your children. That is true, but there have been rules creeping in over time, that limit the types of disciplines that can be applied to raising children.

Last week the Canadian Senate has passed a Bill making it illegal to spank your children. I'm sure that they have all kinds of reasons and justification to back it up. But at the same time, I've heard people say that you shouldn't give you children time-outs because it causes psychological damage. So can anyone tell me what is left? How can I discipline my child if corporal punishment isn't permitted, time-outs will mess up their heads. I'm sure taking toys or movies or anything fun will mess up their heads just as much... what is there?

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