Thursday, June 19, 2008

Apparently, we are not allowed to discipline

I read this
article and realized that we have created a society where parents have no say. I am surprised that a court would hear such a case and interfere with parental decisions. The point is not whether you agree or not with the punishment. It is more to understand that we are stripping rights away from parents. First corporal punishment is deemed a crime. Now, every type of punishment is being scrutinized.

This is a sad sad world we live in.

I am saddened that 12 year old girl would post inappropriate pictures of herself online. My kids are still young to be worried about their online behaviour. I hope that teaching them about proper online protocols and the dangers of over-exposure will prevent this type of scenario. But if something like this does occur, will I be able to punish my child? This is so messed up.


Anonymous said...

It really makes me wonder where our society is going???

Steve said...

I think that a line was crossed with this rude interference. Now there is no knowing where it will end.