Here is what my rain barrels look like. This setup collects 400L of nice clean rain water.

The olive barrels made it easy to deal with the screening. They have a top that can be unscrewed and each barrel came with a strainer of sorts. I placed the 2 strainers into the same container with a piece of nylon screen (what we use for our windows to keep the bugs outside) in between them to keep the grit and dirt (to some extend) out of the barrels.

Here we see how the 2 barrels are connected. I used ABS pipe connectors and a inch hose to join the 2 barrels. Now when it rains the 2 barrels fill up together. the joining peice has a threaded hole that I could screw in a spigot. I have my garden hose attached and I drain the barrels into my pool. This concept will allow me to add other barrels if the need should be there. All I need to do is cut one of the hose and attach a "T" and connect another barrel.
You might want to check out http://www.aquabarrel.com and get a downspout diverter, downspout filters for your rain barrels - They will also sell you the parts you need to make a nice sized over flow port - after those rain barrels fill you need an equal sized outlet for the overflow
So the collapsable ones didn't cut it? We had eavestroughing put in ready for rain barrels, I just don't have time to intall until after this paper. I'm also planning on a tumbling composter this summer too. Where'd you get those barrels?
I haven't installed the collapsable barrels yet.
For the time being, they are going to be used as overflow to these 2 barrels. I'm draining last night's rain into one of the collapsable barrels right not.
The collapsable barrels are a quick and dirty way to collect rain water, but they aren't very sturdy. I think I will go out and get more of the Olive Barrels.
You can get the Olive Barrels at Cohen & Cohen for $15.00 but they will require a good cleaning.
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