Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Global Warming?

I've been reflecting on the concept of Global Warming. I have heard many opinions ranging from "Global Warming is a Myth" to "Humans are directly responsible for Global Warming"

I think that scientifically we can prove that there is Global Warming. The average temperature has been going up every year. Although, it may seem insignificant to some the overall product is detrimental to us all. To some people the connection is obvious. We are responsible we need to curb our green house effect. To otters the connection isn't so clear, claiming that if the earth went through an ice-age some 10s of thousands of years ago, if the temperature has not gone up, then were is the ice. I can understand their point of view.

When it comes to addressing the emissions on cars and the pollution released into the atmosphere, I think that we are grabbing on to the problem from the wrong end. An easy common ground that we can all see and accept is smog. We all know that we (humans) cause the smog and we can take responsibility for that. If the Environmentalist tackled the problem from the smog angle they may be able to gain much better support form the general public. Who knows, we may or may not be able to prevent global warming, but we can resolve smog and improve air quality.


Anonymous said...

O.K. so who lit the blogging fire under you bro! (LOL)

Steve said...

All I needed was a mechanism to get to my blog.

Anonymous said...

Actually, its been getting cooler since 1998, check it out...

Anonymous said...

This blog is related to Global Warming that humans are directly responsible for global warming. I think that scientifically we can prove that there is global warming.