Monday, August 04, 2008

Back to the grind

It's been over a month since I have worked. This crazy whirl-wind of waiting for a contract to get signed is over. Tomorrow, I start at EDC, I'll be there for at least 12 months. I wasn't expecting this summer holiday. The last time I had 2 weeks off was for my honeymoon. So the last month as been really nice in the aspect of recharging my batteries. Had I know that things were going to work out this way, I would have postponed some of the swimming lessons and gone somewhere. As it was my whole time off was spent taking the kids to their swimming lessons or without kids (last week) while they were at my parents.

On the flip side, it was nice to get some yard work done. There was so much to do this year, and we were able to put a big dent in that pile. Now, if money was no object, so much more could get done. Having it been a weird summer, with all the rain that would often interrupt our plans, I guess it was a good thing that I was off for so long.

I am looking forward to EDC, Like I said in a previous post, I was there before, it will be nice to get reacquainted with old colleagues. They have moved into .NET and C# which is were I love doing now. So it will be interesting on that front. Since it is downtown, I will attempt to take the bus to work,we'll see how that goes, it is after all, the greener option.

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