Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another Chapter Closing

In life, we go through phases. We spend time with friends, we enjoy certain activities and as time goes on, our passions change.

I am in the process of closing a chapter on a previous chapter. Years ago i used to play DDM (Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures) I also used to DM (Dungeon Master) a game out of my home. I enjoyed both of them very much. But as times has gone by I spent less and less time playing with these piles and piles of minis that I had in boxes, containers and bags all over my basement. Since I used to sell the miniatures, I had no difficulty building my collection. I had many in labelled boxes in the intention of possibly using them in the Campaign that I was running. I had enough creatures for any scenario. As time went on, I lost the passion for work involved in preparing the campaign. As a DM, I needed to spend quite a bit of time preparing the 'story' if you will, it is quite time consuming. Although, I enjoyed it for a season, at the end it was simply just time consuming. The DDM pretty much ended when I moved across the city. I hosted a few games and attended a couple after I moved, but the distance pretty much killed it for me.

The closure of the chapter is done by selling these miniatures on ebay.Click here to see. Tonight my Archfiends collection is ending. I already have the money that I will make from these sales spent. (New TV for my Sens Room) But watching this set has brought back many memories. I enjoyed this set. I was probably the set that I played the most. I sold my Harbinger and Dragoneye before the summer. They had many pieces that I liked as well, but they didn't hit home like this set is.

Playing D&D and DDM is something that I will miss, but I realized a year ago, that it wasn't something that I will be likely to do again. So now I am reclaiming some storage space, closing the D&D Chapter and will keep those memories.


One of Freedom said...

Well Wizards has actually killed the game. I still use mine for D&D, although I have almost a completely different group from the days you played with me. But I never made the shift to the new rules and they recently announced that the minis line will just be supporting the RPG. That is a bit frustrating actually. I still host the odd (about once a year now) game of DDM (classic rules), but it was really when I became overwhelmed with minis that my interest in DDM started to wane. I still have a crazy amount of minis though.

I hear you about the time it takes to put together a game. I do find 3.5 faster, especially since I bought DM Genie. I have a notebook where I write ideas for games in. I do a lot of winging, which works out fine as long as I keep notes. My players rarely go in the directions I have prepared. But that is part of the fun.

Steve said...

Yeah, I hear you. I found 3.5 easier to play and get together and so on. I got DM Genie on the laptop as well. I used it for a few months before I stopped playing.
I never intended to stop playing. We took a summer break like we did every year, except that it never ended. I had become busy with other things and next thing I know, I selling my minis on ebay.
People will still pay top dollars for this plastic crack as we used to call it.
I figure, the minis are worth more to me now as money then taking up room in my basement.