Sunday, February 17, 2008

Busy Since the New Year

Things have been pretty hectic from December until Now.
Decemeber is December, with all the family get togethers, friends getogethers and so on. It hardly leaves any time to breath.
We spent a week at my parents, which proved to be relaxing, but as soon as we got back we needed to rush. We had Michelle's grandmother's Christmas getogether for the whole family. Then we also needed to get ready for our New Year's eve bash.
There was a little bit of rest in between that and the new contract at Environment Canada. But january was spent getting ready for Caroline & Bob's wedding. Caroline had been living with us since June of '07. We had anticipated a summer wedding, but they decided to step things up and make their Jamaica trip at the end of January their Honeymoon. Michelle was helping our in all the ways that she could. She helped out with decorations which meant the basement was in total disarray.

Things are back to normal in the house now and life is settling into a nice groove. On my new contract I am unable to access my blog which makes making entries a little more difficult. I have the time to do it today since I am land locked with a sick child. David was up from 2:30 this morning throwing up anything we tried to give. It was sad to see him heaving up a mouthful of ginger ale. Now we are focussing on getting him the rest and hydration that the needs. the worst seems to be over and he's taken many sips of water and all appears to be ok.

The new contract is going well. .NET C# is all good. The product is a smart client and the code is extremely clean. It is a dynamic work environemnt and they are continuously improving their product. The next release they are looking at converting everyting to CAB. It should be a fun couple of months.

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