Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rain Barrels

Summer is here. With the heat wave that we just went through and another coming Friday, it's hard to deny that.
I own a home that has both and air conditioner and a pool. When I moved in 3 years ago, I did not realize the cost associated with operating a pool. Sure there are chemicals that need to be purchased to maintain the proper Ph and chlorine levels, but what I did not forsee was the water usage.

Last week, I went to Cohen and Cohen, purchased to olive barrels that I am going to fashion as rain barrels. When they say olive barrels they mean olive barrels. When I opened them I realized that they had a few olives left in them. So the first order of the day was to clean the barrels. It was a bit gross, but easily done. The next step is to drill holes in them so I can attach a spigot. The plan is to collect the rain at my downspout and use the rain water to fill the pool. that should cut my water bill by some measure. When it's all said and done, I'll be able to harvest 600L of water every rainfall, providing of course that we get that much rain.

For the first 2 summers that we were in the house we have been operating the A/C as well. If you have a central air, do the calculation, you will be floored at how much energy you use. My A/C seemed to run 24/7 and no matter how cold it was in the house, it never seemed to be cool enough. At over $200/month to operate, that is an expense that I have decided to cut this year. I tried last year, but with Michelle's parents moving in with us, I was unable to get away with it. This year, I holding my ground. Sure it's been hot at times, but that is what the pool is for. A quick dip will bring your core temperature down. Much better than the A/C.

Also, last year I found that once I was in the house for a while, I didn't feel like going for a dip. I was already chilled, nevermind jumping in the pool.

A website that I found, I don't have the link anymore, stated that a 3 tonne A/C unit used the same amount of electricity as 68.5 fans. So go ahead, turn on your fans, give the A/C a rest, spend some time outside in the shade.

Enjoy your summer, there are plenty more hot days ahead of us.


Anonymous said...

Ck out for rain barrel kits - your olive drums would use the 'open-top kit'found here:

Steve said...

Thanks Anonymous. That's a cool Site. I've gotten great ideas fro there.
I have already assembled my barrels. I used a 1 inch hose. I hope it will be sufficient to transfer the water over when we get a serious storm. We are suppose to get one tomorrow. So I should see it in action.

I'll post a picture when I have one.