Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I guess I am a Post-Charismatic

I have been reading a website by Robby Mac about Post-Charismatic. I found the link to it while reading Frank's Blog.

It is an incredible read. I find myself identifying with alot of the author's writting. I can appreciate the amount of effort that has gone into creating this website. It truly is an enourmous undertaking to address all of the topics that are being addressed in this work.

If you are like me, a person who has been involved in hyped controling church and have walked away from it feeling hurt and wounded. You will really identify with what is put forward on this site.

From reading this site I have gained understanding to where the paradigms were coming from. Also, from reading the Assemblies of God responses to what they had been faced with in the topics covered, I have gained a new respect for them.

I would like to thank you Robby McAlpine for the time and research that you have devoted to this publication. I appreciate the 'matter of fact' way you present your arguments and do not slam any sides. I has changed my perspective and has given me new wind for my sails.


One of Freedom said...

I'm so glad that was encouraging for you. I have been sending it around because I think it is truly an important work. I think many of us were hurt in what Wagner named the waves of the Spirit. Efforts like this go a long way in bringing healing, and hopefully make it easier to not keep looking over our shoulders in fear of falling into the same crap in our desire to see more of the Spirit of God.

Steve said...

Very well put. I look forward to what God wants to do and I feel a little more settled, kinda like you said, about not having to watch my back.